FISH is the cheaper and main source of dietary protein for the nearly 150 million people of Bangladesh and will be depended upon in the diet for all aspects of nutrition by an even bigger population in the future. But this source of nutrition is already under a threat due to dwindling reproduction of various species of sweet water fishes. Bangladesh in the past was home to four or five hundred species of fishes. The number has dwindled down to two hundred and fifty such species with the others becoming extinct.

Phoolnagar police have registered a case against five officials of a food company on the application of a fish farmer who has alleged that the company's poisonous chemical waste has killed thousands of fish in his farm in Gagar village.

Rafhan Foods was dumping its chemical waste at an open place near a fish farm owned by plaintiff Rao Abdul Hafeez.

In the rainy season every year when the weather remains overcast and the sun rarely shines, dissolved oxygen in fish farms decreases to a lethal level which may cause mass scale fish mortality leading to huge financial losses due to collapse of the fish crop.

Director General, Fisheries Punjab Dr Muhammad Ayub told APP here on Sunday that in such circumstances, fish farmers are advised to reduce manuring and feeding to half, especially during the peak rainy season, and to maintain water level up to five feet at least, according to a press release.

Endosulfan, an organochlorine insecticide widely used in the paddy field, tea garden of Assam and N.E. India, creates serious threat to the environment as well as target and non-target organisms like aquatic and land dwelling animals. The present investigation was undertaken to study the effects of endosulfan on some hematological parameters of Channa punctatus.

The acute toxicity of phosphate fertilizer on the survival level of Tilapia Zillii fingerlings was determined in 96hr static bioassay. The fish were exposed to different phosphate fertilizer concentrations. During the exposure period, there were frequent attempts at jumping out of the tank, loss of equilibrium, agitated swimming, air gulping and finally death.

The effects of an insecticide monocrotophos on some biochemical parameters of the fish, Tilapia mossambica at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs of exposures were studied. Median lethal concentration of monocrotophos to the fish for 24 hour exposure was determined during bioassay study. The protein contents were found to be declined in all the samples analyzed during all the exposure periods.

Scientists in Australia claim to have created the world's first library of shark antibodies that have been modified to target diseases, like malaria, and could lead to new treatments.

Exposure to toxic methylmercury (MeHg) through fish consumption is a large problem worldwide, and it has led to governmental recommendations of reduced fish consumption and blacklisting of mercury-contaminated fish. The elimination kinetics of MeHg varies greatly among individuals. Knowledge about the reasons for such variation is of importance for improving the risk assessment for MeHg. One possible explanation is hereditary differences in MeHg metabolism. MeHg is eliminated from the body as a glutathione (GSH) conjugate.

Environmental group Greenpeace staged a high-seas protest against a Spanish-owned tuna fishing ship in the South Pacific on Tuesday, dropping a 25 metre (75 feet) floating banner "No Fish, No Future" into its net. Greenpeace ship Esperanza had been tailing the Albatun Ters for five days, claiming it is the biggest tuna catching vessel in the world, and on Tuesday launched a protest as the ship was fishing off the Phoenix Islands in Kiribati.

Caribbean islands will create new protected areas for fish and coral reefs under a $70 million plan announced on Tuesday that will help safeguard tourism-backed economies. "This is a trust fund for the future benefit of society," Bahamas Minister of Works and Transport Earl Deveaux told Reuters of the project. "Our economy is based on tourism and our greatest natural resource is our environment."
