Sri Lankan ichthyologists have discovered a new species of freshwater fish in the south western wet zone which they have named Puntius Kelumi or Kelum

DH News Service, Bangalore:

In a tell-tale reminder of the extent of pollution in water bodies in the City, at least 25,000 fish died due to contamination in Siddapura lake.

The fish had died three days ago, but they surfaced only on Wednesday.

The residents were in for a rude shock on Wednesday morning as thousands of dead fish were seen floating in the lake.

illegal sand extraction upstream of Cauvery has put the Deccan mahseer in danger.

The crown-of-thorns starfish, a notorious threat to coral in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, comprises four species, not one, biologists reported on Tuesday. The spiny predator, known by its Latin name of Acanthaster planci, has been a worsening peril to reefs for at least three decades, latching onto coral polyps and digesting them.

The effects of pesticides and other chemicals have been studied by many workers in fishes. In the present study the effect of pesticides endosulphan and sonatox on some visceral organs of Oreochromis mosambicus have been observed the renal tissues affected and showed remarkable karyo and cytometric change.

Chronic renal failure (CRF), in the main agricultural region under reservoir based cascade irrigation in Sri Lanka has reached crisis proportion. Over 5,000 patients in the region are under treatment for CRF. The objective of this study is to establish the etiology of the CRF.

Animals genetically engineered to produce drugs and healthier foods will be subjected to review to help protect consumers from any unknown risks, the US Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday.

A Sydney aquarium released seven sharks bred in captivity and tagged with acoustic tracking devices into the waters off a city beach on Tuesday to study if it is feasible to breed sharks to restock dwindling wild numbers.

The two-year-old wobbegong, or carpet sharks, measuring up to 80 cms in length, are bottom-dwelling sharks and regarded as harmless but can grow to three metres (10 feet) in length.

Your shopping basket is spewing greenhouse gases. But don't worry, you can easily cut out the culprits: a report.

It was 3:00pm on Monday. A man and a woman were busy catching fish in a lagoon of the waste treatment plant in Pagla of Narayanganj. The lagoon was just next to another lagoon where poison was applied on August 30 to kill the fish in it as they were contaminated with heavy metals.

Noticing The Daily Star correspondent the two packed up their gear and started to flee with a bag half full of fish. They took the fish to their home half a kilometre away.

"I am not a fisherman
