Cannibalising offspring A study reveals that male fish are more likely to eat their offspring when they have been cuckolded during spawning. Moreover, the more males that are present during
A research team from Conservation International, USA, claims to have found 52 new species in Papua New Guinea. They have found 24 new species of fish, 20 species of coral and eight species of shrimp.
A Vietnamese company recently announced that it has produced a non-toxic and environment-friendly bio-diesel from catfish oil, which can be used as an industrial fuel. It is biodegradable and has
All canned fish products with false information on packaging labels are to be taken off the shelves, the Thailand Food and Drug Administration (fda) recently said. The action was prompted by a
As many as 57 species of fish in Haryana have disappeared over the past four decades as a result of pollution and high siltation of rivers, a study found.
UN's Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination strongly reprimanded the Botswana government over eviction of the Gana and Gwi Bushmen.
Scientists recently discovered a new species of fish and seaweed on a Caribbean coral atoll, which they claim might be the most diverse marine habitat in the Atlantic region. Two new species of goby
The presence of toxic waste in Sydney Harbour in Australia has forced authorities to invest around us $150 million in a clean-up programme. They also put an end to centuries of commercial fishing