Question raised in Lok Sabha on contamination of ground water, 23/07/2015. Ground water quality data generated by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) indicates that ground water in various parts in Ten (10) States for Arsenic, Twenty (20) States for Fluoride, Twenty One (21) States for Nitrate, Twenty Four (24) States for Iron, and Fifteen (15) States for Heavy Metals such as Lead, Chromium and Cadmium have concentration higher than the norms, on the date of analysis, prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on contaminated drinking water, 23/07/2015. As on 1/4/2015, States have reported 66,761 rural habitation with water quality contaminations like arsenic, fluoride, iron, salinity and nitrate. State-wise details of water quality affected habitations which are yet to be provided with safe drinking water is at Annex-I. Under the centrally sponsored National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), 67% of the funds released to States can be utilized for coverage and tackling water quality problems.

BENGALURU:The Karnataka high court has directed the various departments to ensure supply of clean drinking water to people of the border taluk of Pavagada, which is severely affected by a high fluo

Multivariate statistical techniques, cluster and principal component analysis were applied to the data on groundwater quality of Suri I and II Blocks of Birbhum District, West Bengal, India, to extract principal factors corresponding to the different sources of variation in the hydrochemistry as well as the main controls on the hydrochemistry.

Majority of the population in the country is exposed to the hazards of drinking unsafe and polluted water from both surface and ground water sources.

A study was conducted on the residents of Bhupnagar, a fluoride endemic village in Gaya district, Bihar, to assess the ameliorating effect of amla (Emblica officinalis) on fluoride-induced toxicity. Fifty-three subjects of different age groups were included in the study. Among these, 27 subjects (test group) were given amla powder as dietary supplement for 9 months and the rest 26 subjects were kept as control (i.e. without dietary supplement). The mean urinary fluoride level in the test group was found to decline progressively during the period of supplementation.

Aggrieved villagers from the fluoride-affected and upland areas of the district staged a demonstration with empty drinking water containers made of clay here on Monday in an effort to draw the gove

VADODARA: With surface water becoming insufficient for consumption, ground water is the only option left to meet the city's demand.

A Rs. 365-crore proposal to ensure round-the-clock supply of drinking water to Chitradurga has been submitted to the State government, G.H. Thippareddy, MLA, has said.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on contaminated water-related health problems, 17/03/2015. The number of cases of water borne diseases reported under IDSP during the year 2014-15 is given in this document. As per information provided by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, 14,132 habitations are affected by contamination of fluoride and 1991 habitations are affected by Arsenic. The details are also at this document.
