The world's forests continue to shrink as populations increase and forest land is converted to agriculture and other uses, but over the past 25 years the rate of net global deforestation has slowed down by more than 50 percent, FAO said in a report published today.

KOLHAPUR: For the first time in last 30 odd years, experts have started revisiting Maharashtra's unique treasure, 'sacred groves,' locally called as Devrai, for the documentation and analysis of th

The boreal region is facing intensifying resource extraction pressure, but the lack of comprehensive biodiversity data makes operative forest conservation planning difficult. Many countries have implemented forest inventory schemes and are making extensive and up-to-date forest databases increasingly available. Some of the more detailed inventory databases, however, remain proprietary and unavailable for conservation planning. Here, we investigate how well different open and proprietary forest inventory data sets suit the purpose of conservation prioritization in Finland.

Anne-Marie Ndong Obiang has a machete attached to her belt, which she assures us is “for cutting off poachers’ fingers”.

Moshi — The campaign against tree felling in Kilimanjaro got a huge boost as the Minister of State in the Vice-President's Office (Environment), Dr Binilith Mahenge, called upon law enforcers to be

Maun — The three-year project for enhancing national forestry monitoring system for the promotion of natural resources management is said to be on track.

Some half a million ants were recruited by the conservation organisation World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to call for the protection of the Amazon rainforest, ahead of a visit by German Chancellor Angela

Ndalatando — The State Secretary for Forest Resources, André Moda, Friday in Açude, municipality of Golungo Alto, Cuanza Norte province, said that the Angolan authorities will strengthen the measur

One of the world's largest pulp and paper manufacturers has today (13 August) pledged to immediately retire some of its commercial plantation areas in a bid to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Forest land area diverted for development projects, 13/08/2015. During last five years and current year, the Central Government has accorded approvals over 1,84,393 ha of forest land in 7,716 cases for various developmental activities including developmental activities in urban areas. State wise details of approvals granted by the Central Government for use of forest land for such activities is given at Annexure-I. In terms of the State CAMPA Guidelines as approved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in IA No.
