Prof. S.

Dodoma — AS part of efforts to conserve forests, the government plans to introduce special plastic desks in schools to replace wooden tables.

WWF and Unilever have launched a one-year partnership to engage consumers in the fight against deforestation, it was announced today (7 July).

The Ministry of Climate Change would submit a new forest policy before the Cabinet to promote and preserve forests, Minister for Climate Change Senator Mushahidullah Khan Monday told Senate on Mond

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has proposed to the Prime Minister to raise forest environment service fees on companies producing drinking water and hydroelectricity.

There has been extensive debate about whether the sustainable use of forests (forest management aimed at producing a sustainable yield of timber or other products) results in superior climate outcomes to conservation (maintenance or enhancement of conservation values without commercial harvesting). Most of the relevant research has relied on consequential life-cycle assessment (LCA), with the results tending to show that sustainable use has lower net greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions than conservation in the long term.

MP Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo has been championing the cause of climate change and low carbon development and is planning development activities in his constituency.As an immediate first step, he has supported a study to assess the potential of low carbon development and clean energy access in his constituency Balangir. The report on “ low carbon development plan for Balangir district” of Odisha has been prepared by GSES consultants after interaction with local villagers, stakeholders ,local government officials and some secondary date has been collected from census report. 


Amid the jungle cacophony of rustling leaves, buzzing bugs, howling monkeys and shrieking parrots, another, more menacing sound can be heard: a revving engine and the crush of truck tires that coul

Supermarkets could help to save rare endangered animals such as the Sumatran tiger and the orangutan by increasing the price of products containing palm oil providing the money raised went to fores
