Rs 100 cr of unused funds for the purpose remain with govt; State fails to get share of funds since 2014-15

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Ecological Imbalance, 22/12/2017 . The details of the forest land diverted for non forestry purposes in the country during the last three years, State/UT wise including Jharkhand is annexed at Annexure ‘A’.

Communities in Ntcheu and the Department of Forestry office with assistance from United Purpose have signed an agreement aimed at conserving indigenous forests in the district.

The loss of forests in Africa in the past century is substantially less than previously estimated, an analysis of historical records and paleontology evidence by Yale researchers shows.

More than Sh3 million needed for the protection of Kereita Forest in Kiambu county was raised at the weekend during an event dubbed, ‘Forest Challenge’.

To mitigate the effects of climate change, government, through the Environment ministry, is set to operationalise the ‘Tree Fund’.

Moroto — Residents of Tepeth community, living on the slopes of Mountain Moroto, have for the second time blocked plans by the National Forestry Authority (NFA) to cut down some of natural trees in

Blockchain technology will be used for the first time this December in an attempt to protect Indonesia’s rainforests and prevent the peatland haze fires that blight the region on a regular basis.

A new study finds the world’s tropical forests may no longer be carbon sinks, with a net loss of 425 million tons of carbon from 2003 to 2014.

Climate finance, while efficient in sectors such as renewable energy, is not effective in protecting increasingly threatened forests or the rights of their inhabitants, a new report shows.
