Ganga Action Plan

This article analyses the implementation of the Ganga Action Plan and the various reasons for its failure in the highly polluted villages of Jajmau, clustered near Kanpur city.

...In Kanpur s Jajmau area, chromium enters food chain. How spent is the Ganga Action Plan?

B y the looks of it, India is dipping into Vedic literature for more than just spiritual guidance. Experts want its message to be embodied in river cleaning schemes. In its observations on the

On June 16, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s exhortation to “implement the river conservation programme with a greater sense of urgency and commitment” was an allusive reference to the states’ tardiness and cursoriness in executing sanctioned projec

Prime Minister (PM) Atal Bihari Vajpayee recently admitted that all is not well with river cleaning projects in the country. While addressing the 11th meeting of the National River Conservation

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The Supreme Court gave a green light to the Rs 250-crore Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase II. The project, which was held up due to stay orders from courts, will be resumed after a long gap. Uttar

Official apathy results in the failure of GAP in West Bengal
