It was a telling remark on how the Ganga remains polluted despite the crores that have been poured into projects to ensure it remains clean.

As Union environment minister Jairam Ramesh told the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, "The Ganga is not as clean as it should have been. The health of the Ganga is very poor. It leaves a lot to be desired."

Dhananjay Mahapatra

Attempting to silence traditional scepticism of India

Aarti Dhar

NEW DELHI: The World Bank on Wednesday announced a soft loan of $one billion in the next 5 to 7 years for the recently launched National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) to clean and conserve the river.

In this recent publication CPCB presents water quality of the Ganga for a decade spanning between 1999-2008. This will be useful for the agencies responsible for restoring and preserving water quality of Ganga and would serve as a model for conducting similar studies in other major rivers in India.

Water management at the river basin level has undergone several shifts in paradigm over the last several decades, from largely ignoring the hydrological aspects of a river basin and resorting to interbasin transfers on the one hand, to emphasizing the interconnectedness of unique ecological systems and encouraging an integrated approach for planning, on the other.

This paper employs a stated preference environmental valuation method, namely the choice experiment method, to estimate local public

This new CPCB study on water consumption and sewage disposal patterns finds that 70% of the total municipal sewage and effluent from over 900 cities and towns are being discharged untreated into rivers, which are a major source of drinking water.

This report summarises the study in northern Ganga plains and coastal Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. The objective of the study was to pilot tasks to enable local communities better deal with impacts of climate variability and anthropogenic climate change such as floods and droughts. It pursued a "learning-by-doing" approach to respond to the interwoven elements of the

Water resources in Indus-Gangetic basin serve as a powerful tool for development and for overcoming poverty in the region.

LUCKNOW: Several teams constituted by the UP Pollution Control Board inspected 44 tanneries in Kanpur district on Wednesday. The teams were constituted by the UPPCB as a follow-up to an order passed by the Allahabad High Court early in November.
