Chromosome 22 is one of the smallest of our 23 pairs of chromosomes. But we still don't know whether it is gene-rich. So far, the chromosome has been linked with schizophrenia, chronic myeloid

According to a study by Paris-based scientist Xavier Jouven, sudden cardiac deaths among men can be traced to their family history. While it is well-known that a person's genetic blueprint

New fertility techniques have enabled men with low sperm counts to father children. But it appears that sons born to some of these men may also be infertile. An estimated 10-15 per cent of all men,

Backache is the second major cause of employee absenteeism after common cold. Now, Susanna Annunen and her team from the University of Oulu in Finland report that inter-vertebral disk disease, also

The genetic link to male homosexuality has come under scrutiny. A team of researchers at the US National Cancer Institute had earlier studied 40 pairs of gay brothers from families with maternal gay

Cells from the mother that remain in the body of the child since its foetal stage can trigger auto-immune

New species arise abruptly because of mutations in the genes that control the development of embryos. If such mutations occur in several individuals that then breed among themselves, they can lead to

Children born to older fathers are more likely to succumb to Alzheimer s disease

UK's child haemophiliacs are to

scientists at the Centre for Genetic Disorders have claimed to locate a new gene responsible for congenital eye cataract. The centre is being run by the Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar,
