In our first study on possible flood damages under climate change in Germany, we reported that a considerable increase in flood-related losses can be expected in a future warmer climate. However, the general significance of the study was limited by the fact that outcome of only one global climate model (GCM) was used as a large-scale climate driver, while many studies report that GCMs are often the largest source of uncertainty in impact modelling.

Ban Ki-moon’s climate change envoy has accused the UK and Germany of backtracking on the spirit of the Paris climate deal by financing the fossil fuel industry through subsidies.

Germany’s parliament has approved a plan that will end renewable energy feed-in tariffs in favor of competitive auctions and clear volumes for wind energy development.

Parliament approves plan to move towards competitive auctions and caps on deployment of wind energy

There is no technical limitation at cement plants to increase the share of alternative fuels from 36% now to 95% EU-wide. In a recent study for Cembureau, Ecofys has investigated how the European cement industry could contribute to Europe’s waste-to-energy capacity.

In Germany, people’s power has wrought a revolution.

Germany and Saudi Arabia have announced plans to ratify the Paris Agreement by the end of the year.

Every spring since 1989, entomologists have set up tents in the meadows and woodlands of the Orbroicher Bruch nature reserve and 87 other areas in the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia

Germany has abandoned plans to set out a timetable to exit coal-fired power production and scrapped C02 emissions reduction goals for individual sectors, according to the latest draft of an environ

High precipitation quantiles tend to rise with air temperature, following the so-called Clausius–Clapeyron scaling. This CC-scaling relation breaks down, or even reverts, for very high temperatures. In our study, we verify this reversal using a 60-year period of summer data in Germany. One of the suggested meteorological explanations is limited moisture supply, but our findings indicate that this behavior could also originate from simple undersampling.
