France plans to launch a tender for turbines for a third offshore wind farm, the country's energy minister said on Monday, to be built off the northern harbour of Dunkirk.

Britain's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions fell by 3.3 percent in 2015, largely due to a decline in coal-fired power generation and marking the third straight yearly drop, preliminary government data

Global demand for agricultural and forestry products fundamentally affects regional land-use change associated with environmental impacts (EIs) such as erosion. In contrast to aggregated global metrics such as greenhouse gas (GHG) balances, local/regional EIs of different agricultural and forestry production regions need methods which enable worldwide EI comparisons. The key aspect is to control environmental heterogeneity to reveal man-made differences of EIs between production regions. Environmental heterogeneity is the variation in biotic and abiotic environmental conditions.

The lack of road safety remains a major challenge in many urban areas, although high levels of road safety are a prerequisite for the attractiveness of cycling, walking and public transport. GIZ publishes the new publication “Towards more livable and safer cities: Examples for save safe road infrastructure design”.

When Germany committed itself five years ago to phasing out nuclear power by 2022, there was one big gap in its plans -- what to do with the waste that can remain toxic for hundreds of thousands of

Germany has committed €4.97 million towardS combating poaching and illegal trading of wildlife in Namibia.Christian Grà¼n, the German embassy’s Councillor for Development Cooperation said on Wednes

Renewable electricity demand in Europe was up 8% in 2015, according to new figures published this week.

The world has finally accepted clean energy! That is, according to Professor Catherine Mitchell from the University of Exeter's Energy Policy Group.

Germany needs to start drawing up a plan with all stakeholders over how to exit coal-fired power generation, Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks said on Wednesday.

The town of Chamonix, France, opened a petting zoo to entertain children deprived of skiing. In Laax, Switzerland, operators raised lift prices, to keep out skiers from lower altitudes.
