The special committee of ministejrs appointed to take care of the Ministry of environment and forests' (MEF) proposal to provide 2.5 million hectares of degraded forest lands to the paper

MINING concerns can go ahead with their operations in areas upto 50 ha now, without having to obtain environmental clearances from the ministry of environment and forests. This was stated

To encourage industrial units to provide accurate information in their environment audits, the government may soon amend the format of the environmental statement. The submission of the environment

Non governmental organisations are taking the government's proposal for cooperation in poverty alleviation with a healthy pinch of salt

Organic farming has found favour with agriculture officials and scientists.

The Union environment minister says that a comprehensive bill to protect India"s biodiversity is on the anvil. But whether it can be a timely, effective measure that give farmers and tribals right over their biological knowledge, remains to be seen.

Films on successful technological projects and innovative government schemes have failed simply because there has been no effort to show them to target groups

ALL THROUGH the second half of the 20th century, whenever Western governments have seen their industries lagging behind globally, they have resorted to updating their technology policies. The result

To put together an exhibition on the environment for children was an excellent idea. Now, the ministry of environment and forests should consider taking it to rural areas.

New, more efficient aids are being developed for the physically handicapped under a government project. The stumbling blocks, however, are the mass production and marketing of these aids
