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Australia should seriously consider becoming the world’s nuclear garbage collector because the geology of the nation makes it an ideal place to store deadly radioactive waste, a former Prime

A shipment of nuclear waste arrived at a disputed storage site in northern Germany, completing a journey that was marred by the death of an anti-nuclear protester in France.
Police removed about

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is well versed in water conservation lessons. Around 350 litres of water is required for cleaning each train. However, keeping in mind the scarcity of

After a relentless wait for two decades by the Bhopal gas tragedy victims for the payment of compensation by US major Union Carbide, the Supreme Court today directed the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

A Musampally has more borewells than people. This village in Nalgonda district has barely 2000 acres under cultivation. But it boasts over 6,000 borewells

The buck must stop somewhere, particularly when it concerns the lives and health of thousands of ordinary people. Yet sadly, despite the simple, obvious and humanitarian step the United Progressive

In a stark reminder of failure of authorities in ensuring observance of safety norms in the handling dangerous chemicals, eight people lost their lives and six people received serious injuries in two

Consent granted by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board to M/S the Lake City Corporation Ltd.

Greenpeace campaigners on board their ship Rainbow Warrior, on a Corporate Accountability tour, get into a conflict with the Indian authorities.

Trying to overcome a possibly crippling court decision, the Environmental Protection Agency hopes to have a proposal by early next year on new radiation exposure limits at a proposed nuclear waste
