Effects on human health due to lead contamination of air and water

Asbestos makes homes, but it also causes cancer. The indestructible substance is increasingly being cast aside by developed countries, Canada being one of the exceptions. It continues to export asbestos to developing countries such as India, where the w

Court passes order against noise pollution

rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot has asked the Union government to verify newspaper reports according to which the government is planning to bury nuclear waste in Thar desert. Down To

safe disposal of the medical waste generated by hospitals, nursing homes and diagnostic centres is very much high on the agenda of Delhi government. A meeting was held under the aegis of A K

at least 22 people have died in eastern Uttar Pradesh ( up ) in the past two months because of Japanese encephalitis, which is commonly known as brain fever. A mosquito borne, viral disease,

Aerosols from Asia are poisoning the environs of the Pacific Ocean, say researchers

A new study seeks to link pollutants to the spread of prostate cancer

If no action is taken soon, a major ecological disaster is waiting to strike Panipat

Despite international restrictions on its extensive use, pesticide trade has touched a new high. In 1998, world exports stood at US $11.4 billion, an increase of 5.4 per cent over 1997. Around
