California imposes the most stringent restrictions yet on the dirty fuel

A nation stands divided over the government s proposal to lift the ban on non iodised salt

New York moves towards making pesticide warning flags mandatory


A truck carrying mercury, spilled its toxic load near a remote Andean village poisoning 47 people, including 7 children. Mercury is the by-product of gold mining and is coveted by villagers for its

What slaughter mining and power plants have done to the people and the environment

Nationalisation of coalmines has failed badly

Desperate measures are the call of the day. Common people need to have a greater say

One of the main reasons given for nationalising the coalmines of India was to protect workers from accidents. What followed was large scale destruction of the environment. Now, the danger is not just from accidents that kill. For the residents of coal tow

Pulmonary responses of children chronically exposed to ambient air pollution in Calcutta have been investigated. A total number of 153 children from Calcutta and 116 from rural West Bengal in the age group of 6-17 yr were included in this study. Respiratory symptom complex, sputum cytology and micronucleus (MN) count of buccal epithelial cells were evaluated.

The prevalence of respiratory problems and the ventilatory functions in subjects belonging to three sample areas with different levels of pollution was studied to ascertain if there is any association between air pollutant levels and abnormal ventilatory functions.
