The Lucknow high court has directed the Uttar Pradesh government to purchase all the paddy crops grown in the state within the next two and a half months. The state's paddy growers are on the

The Delhi high court has directed the Union government to ensure strict compliance of a ban on use of cellular mobile phones in aircraft. "The authorities must ensure that there is no use of mobile

Dumping and disposal of fly ash discharged from coal or lignite based thermal power plants on land

Industry is wasting the environment. But the courts and the civil society will have none of it

A division bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court has ordered the closure of six polluting industries in Kattedan Industrial area. The industries are Vijayanand Textiles, Ramachandra Refinery, Anil Refinery, Bhavani Industries, Supreme Pigments and Jayadurga textiles. The closure was ordered on the basis of a report submitted by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) recommending action under the Water and Air Act. However, the bench gave the liberty to the APPCB to reconsider and pass appropriate order, if these industries implemented effective pollution control.

Of late, the public and the private sectors saw a great deal of activism by the Supreme Court (SC) and high courts (HC).

Industry in Asia's largest chemical unit zone is like a terrorist outfit, devastating the atmosphere and, reportedly, killing people

In India Tulika Verma is on a mission to ban junk food from Delhi’s schools – where over one in six schoolchildren are overweight. Western-style diets and processed food are becoming ever more popular in India’s cities, while traditional, healthy, sustainable foods are being forgotten. India’s on the edge of two possible futures: a future that’s well fed and healthy; or a future of ‘Western-style’ diets and a public health epidemic of obesity.

Note: A series of 6 x 25-min films exploring key questions around global food security

21 May 2011

‘We want free parking…..’ is the petulant tantrum of the rich in Delhi. Read this news…The trader association of one of the most happening, and upmarket area in Delhi – Khan Market has moved the High Court to oppose the orders of the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority to charge for parking.

Shielding consumers from future uncertainty over power tariff, the Delhi High Court on Friday made it clear that the Delhi government has no powers to interfere in working of Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission.
A division bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justice Manmohan termed the government
