Discovery of a crater sheds new light on the end of many Middle East civilisations

stories of how a promising technology can lose out in the maddening race for survival or the top slot always make interesting reading. This book is another such instance. But much more than that it

One-third of all young Chinese men would die due to smoking in the next few decades unless they change their lifestyle, states a new study by a team of international researchers. The prediction was

The 1784 famine of Lucknow region and a nawab s philanthropic gesture gave us a magnificent monument

Research has revealed that modern humankind has no genetic link with the Neanderthal people

DOES a new millenium have something to do with the attention that zero gets? Suddenly, we have two good books on zero. First, there is Charles Seife's "Zero, the Biography of a Dangerous Idea',

Who were the first people to use the alphabet? Semitic people of Egypt, says a fresh discovery

Did fires caused by the Aborigines drive creatures larger than humans to extinction?

Anthropologist Richard Wrangham and his colleagues at the Harvard University in the US have found that tubers and the ability to cook them prompted the evolution of large brains, smaller teeth,

As early as the 13th century, restrictions were put on the burning of coal as a precaution against the health hazards of air pollution
