Power is the key to the economic growth of Uttaranchal. Realising this, the government has framed a power policy that aims to exploit the State's immense hydro-electric potential.

The State has the potential to produce 25,000 MW of power and has already identified projects to generate 20,000 MW.

Pakistan has objected to several features of the Baglihar hydropower project on the Chenab river in Jammu and Kashmir contending that it violates the Indus Water Treaty. The World Bank, which brokered the IWT, has appointed a neutral expert to resolve the differences.

Yazali, the first commercial town built by Nyishi tribals, might soon be submerged

Himachal project runs into widespread protests

It's not every day that an innocuous email from a geophysicist leads you to a prime ministerial residence that is big time real estate. And we aren't talking 7 Race Course Road. I had to check out the villages of Prini and Jagatsukh near Manali, Himachal Pradesh, which had complaints against a proposed 192-megawatt hydro power project costing Rs 992 crore on the Allain and Duhangan rivers. Its proponent: the lng Bhilwara group, better known for the

Old Tehri town and several villages go under water following a court order to close the diversion canal and dam the Bhagirathi, while the scattered families' demands for compensation are yet to mat

This is a story about the environmental clearance mechanism in India. Arguably legally strong, it fails in implementation. The project proponent looks upon the mechanism as a hurdle; for the administrator, it is mere routine. For affected communities, the

Says no to reservoir-based dams; Centre-state clash imminent

States slug it out over rivers

Hydropower is northeast India s biggest resource. But the manner in which the Subansiri Lower Project SLP is being implemented forces nitin sethi to ask: how should this growth potential be tapped?
