Washington: Scientists, led by an Indian-origin researcher, have linked perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) — a chemical found in microwave popcorn bags — to cardiovascular disease.

Pakistan is among the high ranking countries where people are still get affected of preventable diseases like tuberculosis, polio and malaria while non-communicable diseases are raising vigorously

“Survivors of the December 1984 Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal are more prone to developing high blood pressure than unexposed people of the same socio-economic background.”

This was disclosed by members of the Sambhavna Trust Clinic at a press conference here on Sunday. They presented findings of their recent study coinciding with World Health Day.

A study of the slum population in Chennai Corporation limits has revealed that 34 per cent have high blood pressure levels.

MUMBAI: The average age of women suffering from lifestyle diseases is fast declining. While problems like heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and thyroid earlier seemed to set after 40 years in women, the average age can be pegged to 30 years and above these days.

A fast-paced life, junk food consumption, lack of exercise and stress is laying the city women low. While hypertension and heart attacks are known evils, thyroid-related problems and obesity are fast emerging as widespread epidemics, say doctors.

During the last five years, diabetes increased by 12 percent in Sri Lanka while over 22 percent of the total population of Sri Lanka are overweight.

The Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), which conducted comprehensive research on Non-Communicable Diseases in Sri Lanka, has revealed that 36 per cent of the total population in the co

Ban on sale of gutka and smokeless tobacco

GUWAHATI: The Asomiya Yuba Mancha (AYM) has taken State Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma’s recent announcement, of a ban of the sale on gutka and smokeless tobacco in the State, with a pinch of salt. AYM general secretary Jitul Deka said, “We do not know how far this ban will become a reality. We have serious doubts. This is not the first time that such a ban has been announced. In the past too we had seen the government and the district administration issuing various orders related to sale of tobacco products.

Over 110 Have Succumbed To Swine Flu In 65 Days

Jaipur: Alarmed over the spurt in swine flu deaths, the health department on Sunday directed the officials to closely monitor high-risk groups including persons suffering from diabetes, hypertension, obesity, under-5 children, senior citizens and pregnant women.
Over 110 deaths took place in the past 65 days even as 600 persons underwent test for swine flu. Principal secretary, health, Deepak Upreti directed officials to take necessary steps to prevent the spread of swine flu and especially deaths. He said that within 24 hours of swine flu testing, the report must be issued. There should not be delay in the treatment. There should be no shortage of testing kits and medicines.

Jaipur: A screening for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in seven districts of Rajasthan, conducted by the health department, has found that Bikaner and Jodhpur are most vulnerable to NCDs such as diabetes and hypertension.

The survey also revealed that Barmer, Jaisalmer and Nagaur have the least cases of NCDs. In these three districts, less than 3% of the population screened by the department was found to be suffering from diabetes or hypertension.
