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Little has been done about the January 8 Lahore gas leak disaster which had claimed 30 lives and affected thousands. In want of any evaluation of the area by the authorities, deaths kept occurring

Alarm bells are ringing in Bangladesh following a warning by the World Health Organization (WHO) arsenic contamination is seriously affecting the country. As preventive measures, the effectiveness of

Bhutan could help absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and curb global warming as greenhouse gas emissions by the country is reportedly insignificant. Results of a study on climate change conducted by two

The answer to the whole issue of murky rivers lies in preventing their pollution, rather than polluting them first and then treating the raw river water for drinking purposes

Marginalised by developmental processes, local people are fighting for their right to manage forests

The Environmental Investigation Agency eia is one of the leading international environment organisations in London. Recently, it has initiated a campaign on the Indian tiger and has brought out a report The Political W

There has recently been an upsurge of speculation about the future of the Indian tiger. The number of tigers in Indian reserves increased by 39 between 1989 and 1993. But this includes tigers in

Janalee Cadwell of the University of Oklahoma, US, has been investigating South American frogs whose poisonous secretions are used to tip arrows and darts. Her researches have led to the conclusion

By reducing the number of oil changes in buses a new recycler cuts down on emissions
