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The use of viruses as control agents against crop attacking insects is increasingly becoming popular.

A report by a scientist claiming Indian chocolates are deliciously dangerous because they contain excessive cancer-causing nickel has sent the manufacturers to court and set off a panic among

The TV serial of the late 1980s is now available as a video series. Although its message of self reliance is a bit dated, it still is a useful mix of science, history and social development.

A GERALAN ship carrying a load of the dual-use chemical trimethyl phosphate (TMP) exported from India to Syria is now stuck in Cyprus after Germany refused to allow the cargo to be offloaded for

THE FISH and the fishermen are both in trouble. To prevent a total collapse of fish stocks and the fishing industry, a drastic reduction in the European Community's (EC) fishing fleet has been

Calcutta's wetlands (bheris) have got a new lease of life. The Calcutta High Court has ordered the West Bengal government to stop reclaiming the wetlands. The court also directed the Calcutta

Bamboo roofs, floors, and even doors: that's the style of houses in the northeastern states, home to more than 50 per cent of the genetic resources of Indian bamboo. Of the nearly 100

Scientists have successfully used tiny wasps and an invisible fungus disease to battle pests destroying cassava crops in Africa and South America. Cassava, a starchy root crop native to Latin

The large scale clearing of dead and diseased trees is threatening to wipe out bird species that nest in the cavities of these trees.

Ordered by the Supreme Court to shift stone crushers from the Delhi Faridabad border, officials have arbitrarily moved them to a nearby village, paying little heed to their welfare
