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From the 9th century to the 16th century, south Indian kingdoms did not have irrigation or public works departments. Temples were given the job of constructing and managing irrigation channels, which they devotee endowments.

IT IS A daring and formidable task to synthesise the insights of social and physical anthropology, physiology, epidemiology, micro-economics and macro-economics. This has been attempted with

The Budakattu Krishikara Sangha, with its emphasis on people oriented strategies, has improved tremendously the lot of the tribals in and around Honsur taluka.

Sharad Joshi, the well known, controversial farm leader from Maharashtra, outlines a new strategy for agriculture.

"ONE BY one each of the girls answered my questions. What was their name and age? What do they do during the day? What do their parents do? Had they ever been to school and for how long? The children

The recently released environmental impact assessment of Chilika Aquatic Farms Ltd (CAFL) by the public sector Water and Power Consultancy Services (WAPCOS) gives a clean chit to the project,owned

Scientists are using DNA to be 99.99 per cent sure of an individual's and paternity in criminal cases

Carbon dioxide trapped in pits built for tubewell motors in Haryana's green revolution districts have killed hundreds of farm workers. Scientists say overexploitation of the state's groundwater resources is indirectly responsible.

INDIA has been witnessing an explosive urbanisation. The percentage of total population living in urban areas increased from 17.3 in 1951 to 25.7 in 1991. But during 1981-91, the annual rate of urban

Dinesh studied upto standard two and then quit, He grazes cattle and prepares food for his father who is a stone cutter. Dinesh also looks after his younger brother and makes sure he does not fall into a welt. His mother is a farm labourer. In Marc
