This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of & threats to the world’s coral reefs. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities, and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains global assessment of the vulnerability of nations & territories to coral reef degradation.

The Indian Ocean (IO) extends over 30% of the global ocean area and is rimmed by 36 littoral and 11 hinterland nations sustaining about 30% of the world's population. The landlocked character of the ocean along its northern boundary and the resultant seasonally reversing wind and sea surface circulation patterns are features unique to the IO.

A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the western Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Sunday, triggering a small tsunami exactly six years after giant waves killed 2,20,000 people around the Indian Ocean.

The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the shallow quake generated a tsunami, but it cancelled a regional warning after the wave measured only 15 cm higher than normal in Vanua

Sudha Nambudiri

KOCHI: The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) is awaiting suggestions from national stakeholder institutions before giving clearance for the construction of country's first icebreaker research vessel for polar expeditions.

New Delhi-based Grintex India Limited, shipping design consultants, has been identified by the National Centre for Antartic and Ocean Research to design the

Sudha Nambudiri

KOCHI: As an indication of changing species in the Indian Ocean, Steno Bredanensis, a dolphin species not found in deep warm and tropical waters, has been identified for the first time after 100 years, in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Studies during 1997-2010 have identified six species of whales, nine species of dolphins and a species of porpoises and sea cow fro

A Southern Ocean Pilot cruise covering the latitudes from 10°N to 56°S in the open Indian Ocean was car-
ried out during January–February 2004. Surface and upper air data collected during this cruise are re-
ported here. It is shown that the broad features of the atmosphere, in particular that of temperature, follow

Extensive measurements of columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD), composite (MT) and black carbon aero-
sol mass (MB) concentrations were made over the tropical Indian and Southern Oceans as a part of the
Pilot Expedition to the Southern Ocean during the boreal winter. The AOD, MT and MB show large lati-

Stable isotope (? 18O and ? D) and salinity measurements were made on the surface waters collected from the Southern Indian Ocean during the
austral summer (25 January to 1 April 2006) onboard R/V Akademik Boris Petrov to study the relative dominance of various hydrological processes, viz. evaporation, precipitation, melting and freezing over different latitudes.

Sea level rise in the Indian Ocean by Satheesh C. Shenoi, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Hyderanad presented at the South Asian Media Briefing on Climate Change, CSE, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 24

Polymetallic nodules found on the deep seafloor (>4000 m water depth) have been recognized as an alternative source for certain metals, when land deposits get exhausted.
