Battle lines between the insects and flowers date back to nearly 100 million years

In the animal kingdom, males ofte try to mate with more females an produce more offspring. In man insects, however, the testes weaken by the time the male reaches sexuamaturity

The Indian Gypsy Moth is slowly but surely munching its way through Bhutan's treasure of oaks. A study conducted by the Forestry Research Institute, based in Taba, reveals that the swarm has since

By devouring pests, spiders prove to be particularly useful to crops

What powers an insect's flight?

A GHANAIAN research institute says that after 9 years of research, it has identified a bacteria which can control breeding of malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Janet Ofori, principal research

Zimbabwean farmers, already under severe stress, thanks to a meagre and delayed rainy season, are now pitted against an army with a difference. Their croplands have been invaded by an "army worm" --

PETER Smetacek, 30, has a rare collection of butterflies, said to be among the largest in India. He is an authority on Himalayan butterflies. His love affair with butterflies began in his early

INSECTS destroy a major part of standing crop, damaging the predominantly agrarian economy of the developing countries. That traditional pesticides are indisputably environmentally detrimental is an

Peter Smetacek 5,25 a, Jangpura-b New Delhi 110 014 The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Post Box 30772 Nairobi, Kenya International Crop Research Institute for the
