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Bowing into global pressure, auction website eBay has decided to stop online ivory trading. On June 5, 2007, the first-ever online trading ban on ivory was announced in Amsterdam. The website will by the Pune Traffic and Transportation Forum (PTTF), an ngo for sustainable transportation policy, the website promotes sustainable traffic practices. It asks the public to

Access to Internet in rural and semi-urban India may be hit, if the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (trai) has its way. In a set of recommendations submitted to the Department of Telecom on May

Estonia has recently accused Russia of waging a cyber war against it. It said the country's websites were under attack, which came from networks hosted by Russian state computer servers.


Fertile herbs A cocktail of herbal drugs can cure male infertility caused by diabetes, claims a research team from West Bengal. The team from Vidyasagar University has found that the cocktail

An alternative to car culture? Almost all of us have, at some point, rued our slavish dependence on cars. But the exasperation has always been fleeting. Most of us bear

The Haryana government recently announced that it would be mandatory for all NGOs in the state to have their individual websites by June 30 if they have to qualify for further grants. They will

Has the time come to scrap the Internet and start anew? Some think so. Internet is 40-plus and growing. It faces many challenges today in terms of connection speed and data storage. Increasing
