Gazans Eat Endangered Turtle "As Good As Viagra" GAZA STRIP: April 7, 2008 GAZA - A rare giant sea turtle caught on a beach near Gaza City was slaughtered and eaten by Palestinian fishermen who said its blood was an aphrodisiac, among other therapeutic qualities. As the turtle's throat was slit on Thursday night in front of a crowd, one fisherman said a sip of its blood was "as good as Viagra", referring to the popular anti-impotence treatment. Children were later seen using a part of the shell as a surfboard.

Barely a few days before Israel pulled out its forces from Gaza, its incursion had choked off chlorine supplies to the coastal strip, making water-borne epidemics imminent. The Coastal

Climate change, growing populations and political concerns are prompting governments and investors from California to China to take a fresh look at desalination. March 20, 2008

A seven year remediation program for the hazardous waste treatment site situated at the Ramat Hovav Industrial Zone in Israel begins.

It's a major polluter of the air. It is responsible for emissions of fine particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and ozone. It affects large segments of the population in every part of the country. But something may
finally be done to ameliorate the problem of vehicular pollution in Israel.

There's good news and bad news when it comes to air quality in Israel. On the one hand, Israel's annual monitoring report for 2006 reveals improvements in air pollution, especially when it comes to pollution from transportation sources in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

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genetic cracker: There's hope for people suffering from Huntington's disease. The lethal disease is programmed in the genes and appears at a predictable age in adulthood, causing a decline in mental

Cotton is the most important textile fibre and contributes to 62 percent of the Indian Textile Industry's requirement. Among the different quality groups, the ELS Cotton of 35 mm and above is in great demand world over for the manufacture of high quality ring spun yarns.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has urged Israel to immediately ease restrictions on the waters off the Gaza Strip. The request comes at the beginning of annual
