The progress made so far in some key projects of the government as well as its flagship schemes like Bharat Nirman and Nrega came in for scrutiny at a meeting in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) chaired by T.K.A. Nair, principal secretary to the PM on Tuesday.

Goa can expect central funds under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) during the next financial year, a senior official stated.

5-Yr Target Set To Provide Housing To Slumdwellers Under Rajiv Awas Yojana
Mahendra Kumar Singh | TNN

Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) for the slum dwellers and the urban poor envisages a

Putting an end to a three-month-long wait, 14 low-floor buses reached Chandigarh late on Monday evening. These buses are expected to hit the roads within ten days. By February, the remaining 86 buses will be delivered by Tata Motors.

LUCKNOW: At a time when municipal bodies seek to put burden on denizens by raising the house tax, a latest geographical information system (GIS) survey has revealed an astonishing picture: Over 50% of the houses are either not assessed for the tax or are under-assessed.

The high level committee on Urban Development Ministry on Tuesday approved two major projects worth Rs 35 crore under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

The two big budget projects

PUNE stands on the ground that rises on either side of the Mula and Mutha rivers. While the confluence of the two at the heart of the city gave it its original name

RAJLAXMI BHONSALE: "NEARLY Rs. 100 crore has been spent on dredging the river beds."

THE Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) was launched in December 2005 by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in keeping with its Common Minimum Programme. It was a form of reform that urban areas in the country desperately needed before they spiralled into haphazard and over-flowing cities.
