The recent events in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary in northern Kerala has had an impact on the state government. Why else would it crank up its public relations machine to put a positive spin to a state sponsored drive to evict tribals?

Afterwards, an eerie silence envelops the field. There is only the crop

perception, experience and luck

Tribal communities take on the state machinery to assert their own rights Kerala almost saw the birth of its first tribal republic in January 2003 when about 2000 tribals encroached on the forests of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary and barricaded a 300 hec

People s relationship to the forest

Kerala's popular fleet of tourist houseboats can now be differentiated by quality. Rising numbers of these backwater dwellings had disturbed the residents of Kuttanad, who demanded some regulation.

Optimism is a great friend but a bad guide. The Asian Social Forum meeting in Hyderabad, India, deliberately avoided this truism while proclaiming grandly: "Another world is possible". Another world is definitely possible. In fact it exists. The numerous

Our Diary 2003

Stiff opposition to recent amendment in noise rules

Project to sell river water in Kerala shelved
