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The impact of Asian dust on the determination of cloud phase is analyzed over dust sources and downwind using cloud phase products from cloud-aerosol lidar and infrared pathfinder satellite observations (CALIPSO), atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS), moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), and polarization and anisotropy of reflectances for atmospheric sciences coupled with observations from a lidar (PARASOL). The results show that the presence of dust greatly affects determination of cloud phase in both source and downwind regions.

The urban metabolism framework maps the activities of cities from their consumption of materials, the different activities associated with those processes, and the wastes produced.

The paper examines the current status and future prospects of the electricity sectors and key policy issues in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

High-speed affordable broadband connectivity to the Internet is essential to modern society, offering widely recognized economic and social benefits. The Broadband Commission for Digital Development promotes the adoption of broadband-friendly practices and policies for all, so everyone can take advantage of the benefits offered by broadband.

This study determines whether transit-oriented development (TOD) planning factors identified from western case studies can be applied to the city of Seoul, Korea, which is characteristic of dense development. The authors illustrate the distributional patterns and characteristics of planning factors such as transit supply service, land use, street network and urban design at each rail station area.

Wed, 2015-07-29 (All day)
