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Climate change affects various stages of the food system including production, processing, distribution, and consumption. To cope with this vulnerability, many nations have engaged in a global movement to establish strategies aimed at food security.

Sub-Saharan African countries have been seeking ways to improve their economies, particularly as problems of malnutrition, poverty, and unemployment continue to plague the people. The challenges that most of the countries face on the continent resemble the challenges that some of the Asian countries have faced.

This book aims to give policy makers an overview of the evolution of science, technology and innovation (STI) policies in a selected number of East Asian countries. China, Japan, Republic of Korea and Singapore have transformed their economies and societies in recent decades.

This publication presents a factual overview of the design and implementation of the Korean Emissions Trading Scheme, focusing on lessons from its implementation and opportunities under the Paris Agreement. It provides information to assist other countries that are designing or considering an emissions trading system.

The Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development’s (ICTSD) report, Northeast Asia Carbon Markets and Trade Connections, focuses on carbon pricing and the linking of carbon pricing systems as a potential catalyst for increased trade relationships, and explores how the benefits from linkin

Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050.

The relationship between body mass index (BMI) and mortality remains controversial. Furthermore, the association between BMI and cardiovascular events (CVE) is not conclusive and may differ by ethnicity. We aimed to estimate the associations between the BMI and mortality or cardiovascular disease in a general Korean population.

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The purpose of this issue brief is to provide an overview of the latest movement of the emissions trading scheme (ETS), with a focus on the three key Asian carbon markets in Tokyo, China (esp. the pilots) and the Republic of Korea (hereinafter abbreviated as Korea).

This study proposes the new hydrological drought index, Korean Surface Water Supply Index (KSWSI), which overcomes some of the limitations in the calculation of previous SWSI applied in Korea and conducts the probabilistic drought forecasts using KSWSI. In this study, all hydrometeorological variables in the Geum River basin were investigated and appropriate variables were selected as KSWSI components for each sub-basin. And whereby only the normal distributions are applied to all drought components, probability distributions suitable for each KSWSI component were estimated.

Backward trajectories of individual Asian dust storm (ADS) events were calculated using the hybrid single particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) at four representative stations in Korea. A total of 743 ADS events and associated 2229 (endings of altitudes at 1000 m, 1500 m, and 2000 m per ADS event) backward trajectories from four stations were traced from January 2003 to August 2015. Regardless of the locations of the observed stations and the threshold time divide, recent increase of ADS occurrence rate was statistically significant in 99.9 % confidence limit.
