This paper discussed the distribution of pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals in water, sediment and prawn from intensive prawn ponds (n = 8) near the Kolleru lake wetland, India and assessed the quality of prawn for human consumption and also discussed the possible effects of these pollutants on pond environment and aquatic environment.

After the richer locals leased land/water from the poor cooperatives in the 1970s in Kolleru in Andhra Pradesh, the land has remained in the name of poor "beneficiaries", while the real fisherfolk work on meagre wages.

Kodaikkanal, India, suffered mercury contamination due to emissions and waste from a thermometer factory. Kodai Lake is situated to the north of the factory. The present study determined mercury in waters, sediment and fish samples and compared the values with those from two other lakes, Berijam and Kukkal. Total mercury (HgT) of 356e465 ng l

Reputation at stake

Oussudu lake (also called Ousteri) is the largest fresh water lake in the Pondicherry region and a large number of people depend on its water, fish and other produce. The lake is now under serious threat of pollution. The present study on the species, composition and dynamics of the lake fish was conducted in this context.

Four water and sediment samples were drawn from Keoladeo National Park Lake, Bharatpur to monitor pesticide residues. Estimation was done by GC-ECD using multiresidue method for organochlorine and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides.

Fish deaths in Gujarat s lakes point at acute negligence

Pakistan s largest freshwater lake is drowned by effluents

To reduce the pollution level of Rawal lake in Islamabad, the Rawal Lake Catchment Management Committee (RLCMC) has decided to periodically inject activated carbon into waters of the catchment area,

House committee submits report on Dal lake s revival
