Several citizens and environmental activists have come together to form a group, Harit Navi Mumbai (HNM), which will act as a helpline to save the city's greenery and biodiversity.

Mangrove crusader and environmentalist Kallen Pokkudan is slowly giving a concrete shape to his long-cherished green dream a school to train the young generation about the importance of mangrove co

On December 9, 2014, a wrecked tanker released approximately 94,000 gallons (78,271 Imperial gallons) of heavy fuel oil into the Shela River, which runs through the Sundarbans, the sprawling and re

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on loss of mangrove in Sunderbans, 30/04/2015.

The Kenya Forest Service has condemned the illegal cutting down of mangrove forests.

A Haitian marine biologist who successfully fought to create a national park to protect a large swath of Haiti's north coast has won a prominent U.S. environmental activism prize.

The draft Development Plan 2034 is not only filled with errors and significant omissions, but has also proposed regularization of encroachments in the eco-sensitive coastal regulation zone-I (CRZ-I

A South Asian rights group today called upon Bangladesh government to halt Rampal power plant construction in the Sundarbans until cleared by environmentalists.

Ensuring freshwater flow from the upstream is an urgent necessity mitigate increasing salinity in the South-west coastal region and save Sundarbans, speakers at a discussion held in the capital sai

Mangroves have been accorded most vulnerable status in the event of an oil spill, by the environment sensitivity index (ESI) map of Goa part of the Goa state oil spill disaster contingency plan rel
