The only way to save the bluefin tuna, one of the most marvelous and endangered fish in the ocean, may be to domesticate the species. March 2008

Without limits on industrial scale catches, marine populations will continue to collapse. March 2008

The iroise marine park in Brittany, France, could serve as a model for fishermen who wish to move towards sustainable fisheries while retaining their sources of livelihood.

A recent Seafood Summit in Barcelona discussed the challenges and responses from West Africa to the issue of traceability of fish. Decreasing resources and swelling populations, as a result of internal migration generated by desertification, political unrest, etc., mean that if coastal communities are to continue making a living from fishing, each fisherman must fish less, but earn more by improving the quality and adding value to his product, taking due account of the fact that women from the fishing communities are key in these value-adding operations.

about 3,000 olive ridleys have died in various parts of Orissa since November 2007. The casualty was especially high

The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute will evolve mitigation strategies for marine fisheries and develop an ecosystem-based fisheries management technique for sustaining fishery resources, according to its director N.G.K. Pillai. Speaking to The Hindu here on Tuesday, he said the mitigation plan would highlight the impact of climate change on fish species and the shift in the distribution of commercially important varieties like oil sardine that had started migrating in large numbers from the Kerala coast to the northern areas in search of cooler water.

In a memorandum submitted to UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, the Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI) has expressed serious concern over the plight of the marine exports industry in the country. In the memorandum, the association has said that the fisheries sector is facing the biggest ever crisis in its history mainly because of the rupee appreciating more than 15 per cent in the last one year.

free style: The Chinook salmon swam from the Pacific Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean where they don't naturally occur, says a study. The study projected that the silvery predators with a "healthy

Although the draft text on fisheries subsidies released in November is on the whole a remarkable synthesis, certain points would benefit from further clarification, in particular to avoid unnecessary litigation in the future. Feb 2008

Climate change is presenting a further and wide-ranging challenge with new and emerging threats to the sustainability and productivity of a key economic and environmental resource. This report attempts to focus the numerous impacts on the marine environment in order to assess how multiple stresses including climate change might shape the marine world over the coming years and decades.
