ecologists have long predicted that the demise of top predators in an ecosystem could trigger destructive consequences. Researchers, in a first-ever field experiment, have shown that the loss of

Steamed Napoleon wrasse, one of the must-haves in most Manila restaurants, may soon be off the platter. Hunting this vanishing species could hasten its extinction, the World Wide Fund for Nature has

For better brain A team of scientists in the US has found that exercise has links to brain cell regeneration. The team first looked at the brains of exercising mice using magnetic resonance imaging

the European Union (eu) banned 11 Pakistani export firms from exporting seafood to eu countries in February citing unhealthy and unhygienic conditions at Karachi port in Sindh province. This is the

>> Colombia recently decided to stop glyphosate aerial spraying near the Ecuador border (see

Contrary to expectations, fishing countries have established relatively effective management plans for a few international fisheries. The model described in this article explains how such multilateral regulation can evolve in spite of strong political and economic barriers to cooperation.

there is some relief in sight for fisherfolk from India and Pakistan who frequently get nabbed by the border security when they wander into the territorial waters of the other country. India and

Eye for the rare Slender loris, a nocturnal primate with huge eyes, is endemic to Sri Lanka and is one of the rarest and weirdest animals, which will be the focus of an ambitious conservation

us President George W Bush signed a legislation in the second week of January, aiming to prevent over-fishing in the us waters and strengthening protection against further depletion of dwindling

mobile friendly: Researchers have found no link between mobile phone use and cancer. They used mobile-phone companies' records to gauge phone usage. They tracked subjects for an average of 8.5
