Though disposing of radioactive waste as well as military activity in and around Antarctica is banned, the continent is not free from

at least 1,000 whale sharks ( Rhineocodon typus ) are killed every year during April and November by fisherfolk in Gujarat. This was stated by Fahmeeda Hanfee, a senior researcher with the

In order to preserve the marine environment, the Chinese government has decided to safely dispose old or damaged equipment used during offshore oil and gas exploration projects. The country plans to

the World Wide Fund for Nature ( wwf ), has urged the us government to immediately impose economic sanctions on Japan because of its expanded whaling programme. Norman Mineta,

four whaling vessels of the Japanese Fisheries Agency will conduct whaling operations in the northwestern Pacific Ocean for research purposes, despite criticism from anti-whaling nations that

an algae , responsible for large-scale destruction of European sea habitats, has been discovered in Agua Hedionda near San Diego, usa . "The algae ( Caulerpa taxifolia ) destroys the water

Environmentalists and fisherfolk in Thailand have asked the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation ( fao ) to hold talks with the Thai government regarding the use of pushnet trawlers,

Bleached coral reefs are recovering faster than expected

It is now well-known that albatrosses use smell to find food and

FOLLOWING a controversy regarding a permit issued by the wildlife and marine department of American Samoa, a ban on collection and export of live coral and basalt rocks from the Pacific Ocean
