Tiny marine life could be safe from harmful effects of ozone depletion

An artificial reef could be the ideal habitat for threatened sea creatures

Phytoplankton bloom along the Indian coast threatens marine life

Pakistan federal minister

In our haste to reclaim coastal regions for human development we seem to be forgetting one simple rule of nature: what is dumped out will eventually return to us in equal measure

Further dilution of the rules safeguarding the Indian coastal ecosystem has just been proposed. Under the guise of providing land to poor fisherfolk for their settlements, is the administration surreptitiously letting in Indian companies and multinationa

Thomas Duda and Stephen Palumbi of Harvard University say that cone snails have the world's fastest evolving genes due to an

Corals are to the oceans what tropical rainforests are to land. Known as Neptune s goblets, they are a vital link in the marine ecosystem and, in fact, store more biodiversity than the rainforests. But human activity is gobbling them up. And global warmi

Global warming is responsible for coral bleaching, say experts. And if climate change goes unchecked death of corals could mean the death knell for many marine species

Will corals that have survived Nature s occasional acts of destruction through the centuries survive 50 years of human pressure?
