It was an experiment that sought to clear the air, but by jeopardising marine life. No wonder it encountered severe turbulence in the form of protests by global environmental groups, and had to be

Marine organisms like bivalves hold cures for viral diseases

...researchers discover oldest hard shelled marine animal

the Union Ministry of Shipping has asked the Nagpur-based National Engineering Environment Research Institute (neeri) to conduct a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (eia) of the

wildlife officials seized endangered marine wildlife such as organ pipe coral, sea cucumbers, trochus and turbo (shells) weighing 14 metric tonnes from Chennai port recently. These were illegally

In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled that the govern

From imposing restrictions on harvesting of shark species to having second thoughts about them, the authorities seem utterly confused

the Olive Ridley satellite telemetry experiment of the Wildlife Institute of India (wii) has failed, with signals

Low-frequency radio waves could someday be used instead of chemicals to control zebra mussels, which cause millions of dollars in damage by clogging water intake pipes

Environmentalists have warned that a popular carnivorous freshwater turtle species imported to Sri Lanka is posing a serious threat to the country's indigenous fish species and aquatic animals. The
