The massive sea cows are vanishing in India

following the bursting of an effluent pipeline running through a marine national park in Jamnagar, Gujarat, more than 7,000 mangrove trees and rare marine plants and animals were destroyed. The

the Union ministry of environment and forests has banned the killing of whale sharks ( Rhincodon typus ), making them the first species of fish to be protected under the Wildlife Protection

the International Maritime Organi

the sturgeon population is fast declining due to poaching, illegal trade, habitat loss, dam constructions, pollution, damaging aquaculture practices, lack of regional cooperation in conservation

Nine animals fall victim to a diesel oilspill in the Galapagos Islands

British researchers have found that magnetic fields reduce the amount of seaweed fouling underwater surfaces. This could help develop an environment friendly antifouling system which is a big problem

Global warming is creating a

Medicinal values of marine life make it vulnerable to overexploitation. But it is now possible to artificially produce such qualities

A ship s ballast water is a serious threat to marine ecosystems
