an endangered creature holds the key to arresting the decline of coral reefs. It is the batfish (Platax pinnatus). This timid fish has a surprising capacity of cleaning up dense weedy strands that

Fish might die in the next fifty years, or will they?

cadmium, a heavy metal, reduces oysters' tolerance of warmer water temperatures and makes them more vulnerable during summer when temperatures rise, according to a study conducted jointly by the

new research suggests that current estimates of phytoplankton growth in oceans and total carbon uptake, calculated through satellite imagery, might be overestimated. A new study, published online in

A us federal judge has blocked scientists from carrying out trials of newly developed sonar on migrating grey whales. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Scientific Solutions Inc. had

Massive coral bleaching strikes Great Barrier Reef

Over fishing has ruined the coasts

Exotic species bring slow death to native ones

Medicinal values of marine life make it vulnerable to overexploitation. But it is now possible to artificially produce such qualities

A ship s ballast water is a serious threat to marine ecosystems
