Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki called on the Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Jayanti Natarajan in New Delhi on Wednesday. The Chief Minister requested the Union Minister to expedite the pending forest clearance of the Tawang Basin Hydro Power Project of NHPC, stated a release.

The Chief Minister, in his meeting with Natarajan reiterated the fact that the DPR for the Tawang Project would go for cabinet clearance only after the forest clearance was given. He mentioned that NHPC was also planning to construct the tunnel from Sange to Jang, which was also getting delayed due to the pending clearance.

SHILLONG: With the objective of enhancing effective and optimal utilization of funds in the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) towards development of the Northeastern States including Meghalaya, the Union Cabinet approved the proposal of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) for introduction of a new Central Sector Plan Scheme titled “Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources – Central – (NLCPOR -Central)”.

AGRATALA, June 20 – To overcome the perennial connectivity problem, a sub-committee for bringing all the capitals of the north-eastern States under rail and air services has been constituted, said

Dispur has moved the Centre through the DoNER ministry for setting up a centre to collect hydrological data with German help to ensure effective planning and execution of anti-flood and erosion pro

Inter State Truck Terminus also in pipeline

SHILLONG: In a move which could slightly ease the traffic congestion in the city, the Planning Commission “in principle” has approved the much awaited Inter State Bus Terminus (ISBT). Informing this here recently, Transport Minister AT Mondal said that following the approval, the State Government has started the process of land acquisition to make the project a reality.

SHILLONG: The fundamental demographic disparity between the developed and developing nations presents an extremely difficult cultural, technical and moral challenges to any attempt to manage global climate change, stated State Chief Minister Mukul Sangma in today’s closing function of the operational planning workshop on climate change adaptation in Northeastern region organized by the GIZ in cooperation of Republic of India and Federal Republic of Germany in partnership with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER).

GUWAHATI : An amount of Rs 693.51 crore has been provided under the 2012-13 General Areas Annual Plan for the development of Guwahati. This was announced by Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, who also holds the Finance portfolio, on Monday when he presented the State budget for the year 2012-13.

In his budget speech the Chief Minister said, “My government is negotiating a loan of Rs 1,500 crore with Japan International Cooperative Agency (JICA) for introducing a Comprehensive Sewerage Project covering all households in major parts of Guwahati city under Phase-I.

GUWAHATI: The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Paban Singh Ghatowar has said that his Mi

GUWAHATI: The much-hyped parleys between the Group of Ministers (GoM) and officials of the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) on Thursday on the Lower Subansiri Hydro-electric Power P

GUWAHATI, Feb 12 – The states of the North East region should jointly mount pressure on the Government of India for overall infrastructure development of the region, said Tripura Chief Minister Man
