Wizened old Jidemadamma has to depend on her neighbours for meals. Her son and daughter-in-law have gone to Kodagu to collect pepper from trees and will not be back before two weeks. “They took the children along because I cannot move around much. Earlier, all of us stayed together here.

The forest resources of all the states are dwindling and the supply of forest produce to forest based industries has to be re-examined. In this context the supply rates of Bamboo Industrial Cuts to various paper mills of Andhra Pradesh and adjoining states of A.P. have been analyzed.

The Traditional Bamboo Dependent (TBDs) community produce traditional bamboo products for their subsistence as well as for meeting the local seasonal demand. Bamboo based production activities of TBDs involve four stages, viz., collection of raw materials, processing, production and marketing.

Hill bamboos, locally called 'Nirgal' form a very important vegetation component in the Sutlej catchment falling under the Rampur Forest Division and Kotgarh Forest Division of Shimla District in Himachal Pradesh.

Bamboo occupies a prominent place in the socio-economic and cultural life of Indians. It has been a source of number of uses since ancient times. India is the second largest in bamboo production with the highest growing stock concentrated in the North-East states.

Tripura state has several bamboo species of which muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) constitutes more than 80% of all its species. Bamboo plays an important role in its rural economy by providing sustenance employment and household income.

The forest resources of all the states are dwindling and the supply of forest produce to forest based industries has to be re-examined. In this context the supply rates of Bamboo Industrial Cuts to various paper mills of Andhra Pradesh and adjoining states of A.P. have been analyzed.

Bamboos are potential bioresources of tangible and intangible values for humankind. Tropical and sub-tropical Indian forests and agrarian ecosystems harbour great species diversity of bamboos. Majority of bamboo species find favourable niche in the North-Eastern region of the country.

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plant species which occurs under varied climatic and edaphic conditions. In the present review the distribution and productivity of different species of bamboo in India have been discussed.

Bamboos, which are widespread in Manipur, offer numerous opportunities in this regard, and there is much potential for expanding it.
