The species diversity and richness indices in JFM managed and adjacent scrub forests of Doni indicates the success of JFM approach in Karnataka. The Importance Value Index, Shannon and Simpson's diversity indices were analyzed for both JFM managed and adjacent scrub forests.

Sustainability of forest management comes through community participation at all levels of intervention from planning, intervention and monitoring. There should be a bottom-up approach in microplanning, which requires mobilization of the community to participate in all forestry related interventions and also continuous monitoring.

In a developing country like India, the development of rural economy through effective and proper management of common property resources (CPRs) such as forests has increasingly become an integral part of sustainable development policy in the past couple of decades.

Tribal communities are a rich source of traditional knowledge. Initiatives that respect their knowledge while taking them through the process of development could be enriching to all the partners involved. Here is a case of a partnership which has been mutually enriching.

Out of the 1,500 bamboo species occurring worldwide, India has around 130 bamboo species belonging to 23 genera, in which more than 50% of the Indian bamboo resource is confined to North East. As many as 78 bamboo species (both indigenous and exotic) belonging to 19 genera have been reported from this region. Bamboo plays an important role in the socio-economy of tribal populace of the region.

Bamboo is an important natural resource in the socio-economic, cultural, ecological and functional context with 1500 well documented uses. Having high strength, elasticity and wear resisting characteristics, it grows rapidly and matures in a short period (3-5 years) with high yield, easy to manage, strong in regeneration, lasts for long time and sprouts new shoots after yearly harvests.

Masinagudi residents are apprehensive of what Mudumalai tiger reserve holds for them On July 15, inside the core of Mudumalai tiger reserve in Tamil Nadu, a group of workers waited for a jeep to take them to Masinagudi

Maharashtra village places demands under forest rights act Managing forest resources comes easy to people of Mendha Lekha. The people of this forest village in Maharashtra

Successful programme to conserve lions is beginning to implode on itself The Asiatic lion is quite vulnerable.

Tigers attack people. People impatient, they are second priority. What is the way out?

July 24, 2007. Hungry and exhausted after fishing all day on the Bidyadhari river, Amirul Naiya, his two brothers and three other fishermen pulled
