
A 740,000-year-old wedge of ice discovered in central Yukon Territory, Canada, is the oldest known ice in North America. It suggests that permafrost has survived climates warmer than today's, according to a new study.

The onset of major glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere about 2.7 million years ago was most probably induced by climate cooling during the late Pliocene epoch. These glaciations, during which the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets successively expanded and retreated, are superimposed on this long-term climate trend, and have been linked to variations in the Earth's orbital parameters.

A new way to predict how habitat zones will shift or vanish could help usher endangered species to safety.

During his annual whirlwind tour of Clinton Foundation humanitarian projects in Africa, which ended Monday, former U.S. President Bill Clinton sat down with National Geographic News's David Braun in Kigali, Rwanda, for a conversation on how African leaders can unite to fight the energy, climate, and food crises and how the continent is so much more than the disasters that often define it in the media. (Hear the full interview.)

Several Developed Countries Are Blaming A Developed Nation For Derailing Negotiations

Arun SPosted online: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 0336 hrs Print Email

Geneva, July 29: The ministerial level talks here that attempted to clinch a global trade deal failed to achieve a breakthrough after nine long and tense days of discussions mainly due to differences between the US and India on measures to protect the livelihood concerns of poor farmers in the developing world.


: Renting a twobedroom luxury flat in Mumbai is more expensive than that of Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or even Seoul. The cost of petrol is higher than that of Tokyo. And the price of 1 kg long grain white rice in a medium priced establishment is more than that of Singapore or Beijing. Mumbai is catching up with the biggest metros of the world in more ways than one. The cost of living in the city has risen considerably since last year.

PUTTING the nuclear deal negotiations on the fast track the US said it was planning to seek a meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group in the second week of August and send the nuclear deal to the US Congress by early September. This comes a day after Mr Manmohan Singh removed the domestic political hurdles to the deal.
