
With a slogan of "Development without destruction", India's message to the UN Climate Change Summit is that it will take on the twin challenges of fighting poverty and climate change.

Cargill has made one of the broadest commitments to environmental protection ever by a large agricultural company.

The Nature Climate Change journal has reported that Indonesia lost 840,000 hectares of natural forest in 2012 compared to 460,000 hectares in Brazil despite their forest being a quarter of the size

Liberia is to become the first nation in Africa to completely stop cutting down its trees in return for development aid.

Despite the absence of India and Australia, a majority of prime ministers and presidents did as Mr Ban had asked. They came to New York with pledges of action.

As the much awaited Climate Summit opened in New York on Tuesday with a strong appeal from UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon for action from one and all to protect the world, India is expected to ma

This document summarizes the wealth of announcements on forests at the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit, including the New York Declaration on Forests, its associated voluntary Action Agenda, and a large number of supportive concrete action announcements.

With the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy approaching, federal officials announced on Monday that New York and New Jersey will receive about $3.3 billion to prepare their transportation netw

Dozens of protesters were arrested on Monday during a demonstration in New York City to denounce what organizers say is Wall Street's contribution to climate change.

LONDON: Ahead of the New York Climate Summit, researchers have revealed that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the main contributor to global warming, is set to rise again in 2014 - reaching a record
