Mumbai: Within weeks of the Chitra-Khalijia collision in the navigational channel of two Mumbai ports, another offshore supply vessel, Beas Dolphin, brushed past a docked mini-bulk carrier Nand Hajara at Indira Dock on Tuesday.

For the second time this monsoon, Goa

New Delhi: Shipping ministry on Tuesday asked all ports to prepare contingency plans to deal with oil spills in future.

The government has said that the Union Ministry of Shipping and Environment and Forests have ordered NEERI to conduct a detailed study on the annual phenomenon of tar balls surfacing along Goa

Ill-equipped to deal with the tar balls, labourers deployed to clean up the beaches are found disposing off the oily substance by burying them in pits dug right on the beach.
The labourers dug up small pits on the shore to dispose off the tar balls.

The recent oil spill at the Mumbai harbour following the collision of two merchant vessels exposed gaping holes in the preparedness to tackle such emergencies.

On 27 May 2010, with crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico after the explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig, the Obama administration announced it would pause offshore drilling plans in the Arctic Ocean, one of the planet’s most pristine ecosystems.

Grim tidings from the Mumbai oil spillA Toxic Brew

The collision between two ships off Mumbai has resulted in an environmental catastrophe
There is a humongous oil slick
Mangroves along the coast have suffered. So too has marine and bird life.
It may take months to clear the slick, locate oil containers.

In politics, the dramatic always finds place in history's viewfinder. The Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Jairam Ramesh, has emerged as India's most spectacular green warrior.

The recent collision of two merchant vessels off the Mumbai coast has exposed some grave shortcomings in India
