Enabavi and Ramachandrapuram villages broke away from the pesticide-debt trap. They are now teaching other villages to become debt free and self-reliant A board with bold letters announces the chemical free and GM free status of Enabavi village in Warangal district. The village stopped using pesticides 10 years ago and adopted organic farming five years later, much before the state

They are good for pollinators WEEDS have invariably been considered unwanted by modern agriculturists who have always laid emphasis on their removal. They affect crops by competing for nutrients. India loses an estimated 30 per cent of its crop yield every year due to weeds. This is more than the damage wreaked by pathogens like fungi, bacteria and viruses (16 per cent) or by insects

Enabavi, a village of 52 families, is abuzz. It is hosting farmers from the nearby Kallem village who have come here for tips on profitable agriculture. Those who missed the excitement of the Green Revolution in the 1960s can get a glimpse


All for golden harvest
Jamshedpur, Jan. 7: Farmers are getting smart. They are making organic fertilisers to reap more profits.

Farmers belonging to self-help groups registered under Subernarekha Mahila Mandal Kheti Bari Utpadak Samuh, a co-operative society, will now be adopting vermi compost fertilisers to increase the productivity in the villages of East Singhbhum.

Jangveer Singh

Bathinda: Jaitu-based Kheti Virasat Mission (KVM) today expressed serious reservations over the report on organic farming recently released by the Punjab State Farmers' Commission.

ecial Correspondent

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: When Subhash Palekar chants the

Ginger is an important cash crop in Northeast region. About 3 lakhs tonnes of ginger are being produced annually from 47,641 ha land and the Northeast region is emerging as India

Jardhargaon is a village at a height of 1500 metres situated in the hilly district of Tehri Garhwal in the state of Uttarakhand in North India. Jardhargaon came under the influence of Chipko Movement through the active involvement of one of its residents, Vijay Jardhari. In 1980 a Van Suraksha Samiti or VSS (Forest Protection Committee) was set up by local people.
