Organic farming is a system of farm management to create an eco-system which can achieve sustainable productivity without the use of artificial external inputs such as chemo-synthetic

Shanmukha M. Dyamakkanavar is a progressive chilli farmer following organic cultivation methods. His knowledge is based on experience inherited from his father and the technical support from various agencies promoting organic cultivation. Here is his experience of growing Byadagi Chillies, popular in his area using organic cultivation methods.

Mountain communities have been adapting to changing environment for a long time. Traditional farming methods depending on recycling of available natural resources is the key to sustainable production systems. Local marketing systems have also played a vital role in reducing the emissions and food miles.

The horticulture sector encompasses a wide range of crops e.g., fruit crops, vegetable crops, potato and tuber crops, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic crops, spices and plantation crops. India, with its wide variability of climate and soil, is highly favourable for growing a large number of horticultural crops. It is the fastest growing sector within agriculture.

Poverty and health are inextricably linked as the poor are always the first to suffer from degraded soil, water, and environment. For poor farmers in developing countries, inappropriate use of pesticides is known to be a serious problem.

Poverty and health are inextricably linked as the poor are always the first to suffer from degraded soil, water, and environment. For poor farmers in developing countries, inappropriate use of pesticides is known to be a serious problem.

percy and louise schmeiser dragged biotech giant Monsanto to court in 2005 for contaminating their organic rapeseed farm in Canada. The couple was in Delhi recently to attend a conference on genetically modified organism or GMO. savvy soumya misra spoke to the couple, who are also the recipient of Right Livelihood Award, on their crusade for justice. Tracing GM


Byadagi chilli is a famous chilli variety grown mainly in North Karnataka. Named after a town called Byadagi, large areas in Karnataka are growing this chilli variety.

Chief Minister Yeddyurappa on Wednesday directed the Organic Farming Task Force to effectively implement the scheme to extend Rs 2,000 incentive to each family of farmers that adopts organic farming system.

Nov 25: A unique agriculture festival called the tulsi mahotsav that celebrates the wonder herb tulsi (holy basil) was held in Azamgarh district of Uttar Pradesh this week. The festival was celebrated by a cluster of 13 villages where tulsi cultivation is popular.
