A Down To Earth survey of the civil society shows that when it comes to the environment, no political party in India has anything substantive to offer. But the Indian National Congress emerges as less objectionable than the Bharatiya Janata Party
The Centre for Science and Environment CSE releases the environmental rating of the pulp and paper sector. Participants laud CSE efforts and call for a change in the mindset of industry captains
The anti corruption department raids the houses of a former Maharashtra minister, who put social activist Anna Hazare behind bars for accusing him of corruption
Anil Agarwal s article, The poverty of Amartya Sen , publised in the December 15, 1999 issue of Down To Earth , has drawn a number of responses. Here are a few samples:
An interview with Tilman A Ruff, Australian head of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). At Jadugoda in East Singhbhum, Jharkhand, he observed a human settlement perilously close to the mines of Uranium Corporation of India.
Eleven years ago, Pathampara, a 90-minute drive from Kannur, made headlines when it stopped petitioning the government for electricity and instead began generating its own power from a very small facility using the flow of a local stream to run a turbine.
Johan Von Schreeb, a surgeon who has worked for the group Medicins Sans Frontieres, is a public health scholar with the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. His recently published PhD thesis enquired