Sunita Narain, a resolute environmentalist has been with the Centre for Science and Environment since 1982. Sunita Narain is currently the Director of the Centre and of the Society for Environmental Communication, and publisher of the fortnightly magazine, 'Down to Earth'.

Veerbhadra Mishra heads the Sankat Mochan Foundation, an NGO at the forefront in trying to revive the Ganga s fortunes in Varanasi. A man who wears many hats head priest of the Sankat Mochan Temple, a former engineer, an activist Mishra tells Pradip S

The work in the B R Hills of Karnataka by H Sudarshan, a medical doctor, on the primary healthcare of the Soliga tribes is a rare example of the role of equity, social justice, maximum community participation and empowerment of the people, in addition to the encouragement of indigenous and traditional systems of medicine, in a successful community health programme.

Komal Kothari 1929-2004 Renowned folk imagist Komal Kothari passed away in Jodhpur on April 20 after a prolonged bout with cancer. He was 75. Komalda, as everyone fondly called him, will be

Joseph E Stiglitz helped create a new branch of economics the Economics of Information. This earned him the Nobel Prize for economics in 2001. He was also chief economist at the World Bank and a cabinet member of the Clinton administration. He is the au

Nobel Prize winning Italian playwright Dario Fo has been sued for defaming Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi in his new satire The Two headed Anomaly

in 1995, a slightly nervous student at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi asked his teacher the bare essentials of doing well in academics. The slightly

Meet the only Indian scientist to have visited the South Pole

A look at the prescribed guidelines for PCB appointments reveals glaring loopholes

The man who chipped away at every presumption that defined evolutionary science
